CCLabelBMFont transparency problem

I used BMFont to create a font and then tried to use it in cocos2d-x

CCLabelBMFont* pLabel = CCLabelBMFont::create(“Hello World”, “CoopHeavy.fnt”);
pLabel~~>setPosition );
this~~>addChild(pLabel, 3);

It doesn’t seem to render correctly in the transparent areas.
Any suggestion?

fontbug.jpg (4.7 KB)

I don’t know… but I think you must use png format alternative at jpg… jpg don’t have alpha channel.


Dave McClurg wrote:

I used BMFont to create a font and then tried to use it in cocos2d-x
CCLabelBMFont* pLabel = CCLabelBMFont::create(“Hello World”, “CoopHeavy.fnt”);
pLabel~~>setPosition );
this~~>addChild(pLabel, 3);
It doesn’t seem to render correctly in the transparent areas.
Any suggestion?