CCDrawNode Antialiasing problem

Correction, it worked in the simulator, not in an ipad mini retina, for instance. =/

Weird, I tested it some time ago on a Mac Mini with Mountain Lion and it worked without problems.

@Chano I overlooked your actual code, i.e., the gl_FragColor definition is outside the conditional blocks. I see it working now, thanks! Will have to test it in Android now.


I think I jumped the gun again, this worked in the Mac build, and never in the iOS device. Still sifting through options.

I have it working on Windows and some Android devices like the Nexus 4 (in other Android devices the app is aborted because this:

As I said, I tested it on a Mac Mini too. But I haven’t tested it on an iOS device because I don’t have one :stuck_out_tongue:

I will check it on Android, just for kicks now.

It works on iOS, OSX, win32 and Android. Am using v2.2.2.

@IslandPlaya it didn’t work for me in iOS 7.1.1. Works in the simulator, not in the actual device. I’ve tried an iPhone 5s and iPad Mini Retina.

@Chano Android worked too.

Thanks for the info hcabral.
I don’t have a 7.1.1 device to test on, but I will be sure to look into this before my game is released.
Many thanks.

@mikolaj_o would you mind further explaining your solution? I have the antialias effect working on a Mac, Android but no success on iOS devices.

I have finally managed to make it work on iOS devices with the following code based on the primitives test. Here’s the .h:

class Circle : public cocos2d::Layer
    void onDrawPrimitives(const kmMat4 &transform, bool transformUpdated);
    cocos2d::CustomCommand _customCommand;
    virtual void draw(cocos2d::Renderer *renderer, const kmMat4 &transform, bool transformUpdated) override;

And the cpp:

#include "Circle.h"


void Circle::onDrawPrimitives(const kmMat4 &transform, bool transformUpdated)
    Size visibleSize = Director::getInstance()->getVisibleSize();

    color4B(255, 0, 255, 255);
    DrawPrimitives::drawSolidCircle(Point(visibleSize.width/2, visibleSize.height/2), 60, 0, 30, 1, 1);

void Circle::draw(Renderer *renderer, const kmMat4& transform, bool transformUpdated)
    _customCommand.func = CC_CALLBACK_0(Circle::onDrawPrimitives, this, transform, transformUpdated);

I’m almost hitting a point where I will either #if #elif this to use drawnode or my custom layer class depending on the platform, since the shader modification does the job on a Mac and Android.

Even though I’m not very experienced in Cocos2d-x or OpenGL, I would greatly appreciate some insight to answer this question.


DrawPrimitives uses ccPosition_uColor shader, did you modify this shader to create AA circle?
With the original C++ and shader implementation, AA circle is not likely possible.

Doesnt work .
When i use
gl_FragColor = v_color*smoothstep(0.0, length(fwidth(v_texcoord)), 1.0 - length(v_texcoord));\n

Seems to work partially when i remove fwidth. ie
gl_FragColor = v_color*smoothstep(0.0, length(v_texcoord), 1.0 - length(v_texcoord));\n

but then the blur radius is too big.

Am using 3.2. Checked in ios 7.1.1 and 8.1

Any ideas?

Any ideas how to fix this issue?

Any thing worked out?

Hmm. Using a win32 build if I simply change main() to this in ccShader_PositionColorLengthTexture.frag

void main()
// #if defined GL_OES_standard_derivatives\n
	gl_FragColor = v_color*smoothstep(0.0, length(fwidth(v_texcoord)), 1.0 - length(v_texcoord));\n
// #else\n
//  gl_FragColor = v_color*step(0.0, 1.0 - length(v_texcoord));
// #endif\n

without any other changes then triangle primitives at least get anti-aliased (not tested points or lines.)
Can anyone confirm this on win32 and other platforms?

I did this thing also for android with v3.3 but after using this my lines disappeared, I do’t know why!

has this issue been fixed?

Still can’t draw smooth circle with cocos2d-x. Really don’t understand why it can’t do this simple thing with one function.

I’ve also tried it, and fwidth was not supported, so I used a method found online: const char* ccPositionColorLengthTexture_frag = R"(

#ifdef GL_ES
varying mediump vec4 v_color;
varying mediump vec2 v_texcoord;
varying vec4 v_color;
varying vec2 v_texcoord;

float calc(vec2 p)
return p.x*p.x - p.y;

vec2 pixel_step = vec2(0.1,0.1); //TODO 1/width, 1/height = width/height = triangle/quad width/height in px

void main()
float current = calc(v_texcoord);
vec2 xnew = vec2(v_texcoord.x + pixel_step.x,v_texcoord.y);
vec2 ynew = vec2(v_texcoord.x,v_texcoord.y + pixel_step.y);
float dfdx = calc(xnew) - current;
float dfdy = calc(ynew) - current;
float fwidthcustom = abs(dfdx) + abs(dfdy);
gl_FragColor = v_colorsmoothstep(0.0, length(fwidthcustom), 1.0 - length(v_texcoord));
//gl_FragColor = v_color
smoothstep(0.0, length(fwidth(v_texcoord)), 1.0 - length(v_texcoord));
//gl_FragColor = v_color*smoothstep(0.0, length(v_texcoord), 1.0 - length(v_texcoord));