ccColor4F in vs2008 initialize error C2059

i m use vs2008 ide create Game (the Version is cocos2dx 1.01 013)
and then i found some strange Syntax error when i Compiling the code
here is the code:
int nVertices = 1;
ccColor4F colors[4];
colors[nVertices**] = ;
it comes up :
error C2059: Syntax error : “{”
and then i change the code like this:
ccColor4F c4f = ;
colors[nVertices**] = c4f;

it has no erro and run very well

who can tell me whats wrong with my first code?

I don’t think you should be casting it anyway.

You will be better using ccc4f()


ccColor4F c4f = ccc4f(0,0,0,0);