
In older versions of Cocos Creator, you used to be able to call cc.profiler.getFrameRate()

In version 1.6.1, that function does not exist anymore. Is there a replacement?

In update functions I think you can use the dt parameter which is the delta time passed from the last frame. If you need the fps it’s simply 1/dt.

update: function (dt) {
   console.log("fps: " + 1/dt);

That’s the “immediate” FPS, from just the last frame, as opposed to cc.profiler.getFrameRate(), which gave the average FPS over the last 0.5 seconds.

I suppose I could schedule a task for every 0.5 seconds, then use cc.director.getTotalFrames() to know how many frames have passed since the last FPS check, and divide frames over time.