Card Game Gin Rummy League: First Cocos2d-x game

Finally we have created our first game with Cocos2d-x and happy to share.
It’s Multiplayer game currently only on iOS. Please give your feedback.

Looks lovely. I have also dropped you a private message for a business deal.

Thanks for the feedback. I’ll have a look at your message.

Looks great , can you share more about the Server and stack you are using for the multiplayer ?

So server side is handled with EJB based on socket connection and on Client side I am using GCDAsync for socket with custom queue from my side and includes cocostudio for all UI creation.
Anything else do you want to know…??

Thanks for your answer few questions :
Why do you use GCDAsync and not using libwebsokcets lib which exists in cocos2d-x ? did you found problems ?
What hosting do you use ?
Is it Sync ( Threads ) or ASync ?

Well I have not used libwebsocket because i wanted to support legacy sockets as per server requirements.
For Hosting we are using AWS as it provides the best option’s to scale.
It’s Async I am using but i think GCD also supports sync.

by legacy sockets you mean pure udp , tcp ?

Yes you are correct.