Can't deploy the cocos2d-x helloworld sample on the simulator


I’m absolutely new to BBX game development :slight_smile: I tried the OPENGL ES template and deployed it happily to the Simulator.

But when trying to run the cocos2dx example, I get the following error:

Packaging failed:1
Error: Unable to resolve path variable “QNX_TARGET”

I guess the solution might be following this: but I’m new to the environment and I do not understand what I am expected to do.

Any help?


Yes I had this problem, if you are on windows you need to run the bbndk.bat in the bbndk-2.0.0 directory to set up your environment instead of the handy shortcut in the start menu.

Not sure how to do it for other systems but it should point you in the right direction.

it worked! thanks :slight_smile: