Can't compile working apk.

Hi, I prefer to work in Microsoft Visual Studio, and it’s hard for me to understand how to use all this make files. And I realy don’t want do it at all, because working in IDE is much better. So I get and install vs-android extension. It was rather hard for me to configure compiling project and cocos2d libraries in MVS2010, but finaly after 2 days it was done! So I was very happy when I just can press one button to compile all solution, make apk package and install it on adroid device with adb.

But my problem is that after I lunch on undroid my project (it’s just hellowcpp example, with another name and location) I imidiatly get error after initialization (rotation screen and switchin in fullscreen mode). Error just say that process was terminated without any useful information. So can any body help with solving this problem?

As I couldn’t understand how to tranlate thing’s like “$(call import-module,cocos2dx)” in MVS, I just compiled all cocos2dx libraries as static (.a) and added to linker comand line of project:

lextensionslcocosdenshion lcocos2dlcurl ljpeglpng ltifflxml2 landproflGLESv2 lloglz ~~lstdc++~~lgnustl_static -lgcc
It seems that it workes, but I don’t sure am I right. I compiled all for “ARM Architecture v5te (armv5te)” using “ARM 4.4.3 Toolchain (arm-linux-androideabi-4.4.3)” and “Android 2.2 (android-8)”.

I even can’t understand what I did wrong, I also try “empty” project:

bool HelloWorld::init()
CCMessageBox(“Ok we run library!”, “Info Msg”);
but it also don’t give any results…

And one more quastion we whant to develope application for resolution 800x480 pixel in landscape mode, so have I set resolution 800x480 or 480х800 as it official called?

Ok, the solution was easy - I just had to add code from .2dx\platform\android\jni from cocos2dx *.a library to my own project. So now all works fine! It’s greate, I think it will be good idea to make such config for vs-android, I’m sure it will be much helpful for many developers, especialy who never work with android and linux before ))))
Any way maybe this solution will be helpfull for someone else ))

But can somebody give answer for this very simple question?

And one more quastion we whant to develope application for resolution 800x480 pixel in landscape mode, so have I set resolution 800x480 or 480х800 as it official called?

I’ll try both and don’t see any difference…