Cannot get Eclipse to build new Cocos2d-x project

I’m using the latest 3.14 version with Eclipse Neon for Android Developers.

From what I can tell from videos is that right after you import libcocos2dx and the game project you should be able to build from with in eclipse. But for me nothing happens. Here’s the exact break down:

  1. Create new cocos project with “cocos new …”
  2. Start Eclipse and import libcocos2dx project
  3. Import game project
  4. It shows “Unable to resolve target android-13”

I targeted the project to android-17 in the project properties. I have the targeted SDK installed. What do I need to do to make this work? I must be able to change the target right? Do I have to install android 13?

Update: I installed android-13 and there is the error doesn’t show up anymore BUT IT STILL DOESN’T BUILD.

After this point when I click “Build Project” nothing happens, there’s no message in the console. I can run as android application but app crashes on load because nothing is being packaged in.

Help is greatly appreciated thanks!

btw if I compile through commandline it does work. But I need eclipse. So please do not ask me to use command line.

What video are you referring to?

Just any Eclipse + Cocos2d-x tutorial videos, like this

near the end he sets up the project and they just build. I even tried to match his eclipse version and nothing happens.

So from what I can gather at some point in the paste was removed from the eclipse project, thus no longer supporting building within eclipse. This results eclipse being similar to Android Studio where you can only deploy to device but cannot develop within the IDE. Is my conclusion correct and was this intended?

That video is not an official video

what about cocos run command?

Can you run cpp-tests from

Well I didn’t know there was official video? It was certainly not in the programming guide.

Yes I can run cocos command line they all work. Cpp-test builds and runs fine from command line. I didn’t try cpp-test from eclipse because it’s not really useful as I need a fresh project.

I used cocos right inside eclipse few years back I was even able to develop and debug straight from eclipse, even on Android. But now it seems like this feature was taken out?