Can I move the CCMenu (or CCMenuItem ) by virtual function ccTouchMove????

In layer, I create 10 MenuItems of a CCMenu, and I want menu have the movement when i moving the menu

But in my test,

when i touch on the Menu,it activated the menucallbackfunction and it don’t activate the ccTouchesMoved( CCSet touch, CCEventpEvent ).

So, can i use this idea in cocos2d-x?
Or I only do using CCsprite instead of CCMenu?

Thanks for response, first!

Were you trying to drag the menu when you’re holding it?

yes, I try to drag the MenuItem, but when I press the menuItem to move,it just activated the CallBackfunction() of MenuItem,

but can’t activate the virtual function ccTouchesMoved() or ccTouchesBegan().

So, don’t know how to move the MenuItem with ccTouchesMoved(), not just activate the CallBackFunction() of MenuItem.

Or Is there any better way to drag the MenuItem?

Any Solutions for drag Menu with CCTouchMove???

use this line of code it might help you
