can cocostudio add command line feature??

cocostudio is too stupid

We don’t have command line for CocoStudio in plan now.
Anything stupid, plz tell us to help fix the issues.

@zijian.rao wrote:

We don’t have command line for CocoStudio in plan now.
Anything stupid, plz tell us to help fix the issues.

  1. ui editor not support transparent change animation, that’s fatal.
  2. command line is no important? you guys have used this tools to develop project?
  3. so much bug…

@liuhanyang0 UI Editor will change mode in the coming soon。Command line is tool ,in the future will provide.Please use after 1.2 version

I still don’t understand why Command line provided so late, may be just few line of code can complete.
btw, I’m using cs 1.3 with cocos2d-x 3.0 rc0.