Call function problem

I tried this code (Cocos2d-html5-v2.1.6)
this.runAction( cc.Sequence.create( cc.Repeat.create( cc.Animate.create( this.jumpAnimation ), 3 ), cc.CallFunc.create( this.stopJump(), this ) ) );
but the stopJump() function is called right away not after the repeat action. Is this something wrong?

Hi Nelson,

What does the “stopJump() function is called right away not after the repeat action” mean?

I have try these codes on our HelloHTML5World app:
@ this.helloLabel.runAction( cc.Sequence.create( cc.Repeat.create(
cc.CallFunc.create( function(){console.log(“calling inner function…”);}, this )) , 3 ),
cc.CallFunc.create( function(){console.log(“calling function…”);}, this ) ) );@
It works well.

I have the following code

@cc.log ('will run action jumpsequence now');
this.jumpSequence = cc.Sequence.create( cc.Repeat.create( cc.Animate.create( this.jumpAnimation ), rollTimes ), cc.CallFunc.create( this.clean(), this ) );
this.runAction( this.jumpSequence );

clean : function()
   cc.log ('clean');
update : function( deltaTime )
    if ( this.jumpSequence != null && this.jumpSequence.isDone() == true )
     cc.log ('jumpsequence is done');

and when i run in the console it shows:
will run action jumpsequence now
jumpsequence is done

Yes, the behavior is right.

What is the question?