Button is pressed the image does not change

var newGameNormal = cc.Sprite.spriteWithFile(“Resources/f1.png”);
var newGameSelected = cc.Sprite.spriteWithFile(“Resources/f2.png”);
var newGameDisabled = cc.Sprite.spriteWithFile(“Resources/f2.png”);

var newGame = cc.MenuItemSprite.itemFromNormalSprite(newGameNormal, newGameSelected, newGameDisabled, this, function(){

If the following code to the code if it turns over will not change

// var newGameNormal = cc.Sprite.spriteWithFile(“Resources/menu.png”, cc.RectMake(0, 0, 126, 33));
// var newGameSelected = cc.Sprite.spriteWithFile(“Resources/menu.png”, cc.RectMake(0, 33, 126, 33));
// var newGameDisabled = cc.Sprite.spriteWithFile(“Resources/menu.png”, cc.RectMake(0, 33 * 2, 126, 33));

you should not re-declare newGameNormal, newGameSelected etc with var

newGameNormal = cc.Sprite.spriteWithFile(“Resources/menu.png”, cc.RectMake(0, 0, 126, 33));
newGameSelected = cc.Sprite.spriteWithFile(“Resources/menu.png”, cc.RectMake(0, 33, 126, 33));
newGameDisabled = cc.Sprite.spriteWithFile(“Resources/menu.png”, cc.RectMake(0, 33 * 2, 126, 33));

this should work