Build cocos2dx QT android project issue

I refer to to try build android on QT project

I use QT creator 5.1.1

I doubt about the article,why the kit setting is destop , not android.
I use android kit to build the project,then build have no error.
but the android kit can’t set deployment setting about ant.

I run the project,these result is below:
C:.exe launching…
adb server is out of date. killing…
* daemon started successfully *
Starting: Intent { act=android.intent.action.MAIN}
Error type 3
Error: Activity class {} does not exist.

I think there is a problem about below.
But I check the packagePath & ProjectName is ok.
I don’t know where problem is.


adb shell exit
adb shell am start a android.intent.action.MAINn $PACKAGE_PATH/$PACKAGE_PATH.$PROJECT_NAME
adb shell logcat

Anyone know how to fix it?

Have you since found a solution to your problem? I’m running into the same thing.