BUGS : ccb file (sub ccbfile) cannot run loop animation

i have sub ccbfile in parent ccb file.

and sub ccbfile runs animation infinite loop by chained with same timeline automatically.

when parent ccb file read, but sub ccbfile runs timeline 1 time only.

In cocosbuilder it plays animations correctly but in apps didn’t.

i tested with lastest cocosbuilder, and lastest cocos2dx build.

CCBAnimationManager registers sub ccbfile’s callback functions correctly but they didn’t call.

CCBAnimationManager line 787

CCAction *completeAction = CCSequence::createWithTwoActions(CCDelayTime::create(seq->getDuration() + fTweenDuration), CCCallFunc::create(this, callfunc_selector(CCBAnimationManager::sequenceCompleted)));

only call parent’s callback function. CCBAnimationManager::sequenceCompleted

and i found same problem



I encountered similar problem, and found that it is working right in cocos2d, and it turns out the reason is that AnimationManager from main CCB has stopped the action created by sub CCB’s AnimationManager. In cocos2d, it added a property called animationManagerId, which is unique, each action is tagged by its own AnimationManager and will only be stopped by it own AnimationManager.

Hey guys,

would someone care to share the solution to this issue, if found by anyone ?