[Bug] use limit in FBAPIParam is useless in requestInvite method

Hi everyone,

i’m trying to limit the friends per page like this

FBAPIParam params;
params[“limit”] = “10”;

But it doesn’t work as expected. the num of friend is still return in full (16 in total). There is one case with similar problem in this post (by me too :smiley:)

But maybe it because the score api dont support limit param. Then will this api support it? if yes, i think the sdkbox doc should remove the limit field

p/s: i seems like the FBAPIParam is really broken. I try the code like this but i doesn’t seems work correctly. Or do i do something wrong here?

FBAPIParam params;
params[“next”] = next;

with variable next is the data i parse from origin data. the content will be like this:

the next = https://graph.facebook.com/v2.8/121655955006420/invitable_friends?access_token=EAALgPtdcJBMBANgxLiyrIuuc80GUtgWx7bUtZADTNLUey1hKxanjF5ZA5HV3qAReIZBVFUQI1RPfpjXzeFW6MaZCkdjir4xP0ZCJZAeV4gA71g1CWzgHr1YKkbYSa8ZAwWWPmXQFp6vMjkNdv90ZAwk4LXUmBj4sEfbkMBp8ohoqXgiZAXZAWcZAq8K9ZCnMzkT4g7IZAKBvzODeVMxSZCZARph0v0toy6A1MEMc9Tsmx3ZC42VoEAZDZD&fields=name%2Cpicture.width(300)&limit=25&after=QVFIUkpPbXRIVEN5ajFoNU1nR0lRdzFkT1BWNmE0S1NCUHJfa3FWaGJFVkRPMzk1UExldXJWYmVfUGlsT2pTM2VjRjRmWFJCU3hxWEVVOXladW5IY1NKNi13

Let me test this and get back to you.

i just encounter another weird error involve this params. If you use PluginFacebook::api you can only use 1 params. For ex:

FBAPIParam params;
//params[“limit”] = NUM_INVITE_LIMIT;
params[“next”] = nextUrl;
std::string command = “me/invitable_friends”;
PluginFacebook::api(command, “GET”, params, TAG_API_FRIEND);

I can only use one of these two params, if i use “limit” only, api work correctly but if i used with “next”, the api ignore “next” params, only return the limit result with the same previous result.