[Bug Report] Cannot play AudioClip when download mode is set as DOM AUDIO

I’m trying to play my audios with DOM Audio instead of WebAudio (Which is the default mode). However, when I try to play a AudioClip with download mode set as DOM Audio I get the following error:

CCAudio.js:290 Uncaught TypeError: Failed to set the 'buffer' property on 'AudioBufferSourceNode': The provided value is not of type 'AudioBuffer'.
    at WebAudioElement.proto.play (CCAudio.js:290)
    at Audio.proto.play (CCAudio.js:146)
    at Audio.<anonymous> (CCAudioSource.js:257)
    at Audio.cb (event-target.js:308)
    at EventListeners.invoke (event-listeners.js:49)
    at Audio.emit (event-target.js:360)
    at Audio.proto.preload (CCAudio.js:107)
    at cc_AudioSource.play (CCAudioSource.js:259)

I’m currently using Cocos Creator version 1.4.2


After further testing, I’ve noticed that this error only happens if I’m trying to play an AudioClip from a prefab that wasn’t preloaded.

You can replicate this by doing the following steps:

1 - Create a prefab with an AudioSource and reference a AudioClip that is not referenced by any asset on the scene
2 - Load the prefab using cc.loader.loadRes.
3 - Instantiate the prefab using cc.instantiate.
4 - Play the AudioSource.

You should be able to replicate this using the following code:

cc.loader.loadRes('myPrefab', cc.Prefab, function (err, result) {
    if (err) {
    } else {
        var obj = cc.instantiate(result);
        obj.parent = cc.director.getScene();