BUG: memory leaks in SimpleAudioEngine when changing back ground music and CCShaky3D

I have a memory leak each time i change the background music;
I tried calling stopBackgroundMusic; but it seams the bReleaseData
is not used:

void SimpleAudioEngine::stopBackgroundMusic(bool bReleaseData)

any idea ?

I think I have another memory leak:

each time I apply an effect:

CCActionInterval* action2=CCShaky3D::create(0.5, CCSizeMake(3,10), 5, false);
CCFiniteTimeAction* actionMoveDone =
CCCallFuncN::create( this,

_batchNode->runAction(CCSequence::create( action2, actionMoveDone, NULL));

My program is 1 Megabyte bigger, with something allocated in CCGrid