Box2D - need some help: vertical scrolling with background sprite and box2d bodies

Hi everybody,

firstly thank you all, I hope anyone could help me.

I want to make a vertical scrolling game, and I dont find a way, how to realize it…

I have some infinite and seamless backgrounds, and I have a lot of box2d bodies in front of it.

When I push my player body up, the background should scroll down, and the box2d bodie’s also!

And my player should be in the middle of the screen all the time, maybe like angry birds, when you shoot a bird.

When the player comes near the end of the screen, the background and the bodies should scroll down, till the player is in the middle of the screen.

Have anybody here some information how to realize this? :slight_smile:

Thank you very much! :slight_smile:

Regards, Chris


could anyone help me with my problem?

King regards,


hey bro ! I can help you ! reply this for me if you haven’t solved you problems yet !