Box2D - need some help: make a bodie with arms? and how to realize a tongue with a sprite?

Hi everybody,

I searched for a long time in the whole internet and on cocos2d-x forum, but I dont find anything useful for my project.

So I tried a long time to get my two problems working.

My first problem is, how to stick two bodies together or how to handle this?

I have a box2d body, till this point everything is clear so far.

But now, I want to stick arms to my body and I have no idea, how to do that. :-/

When my game starts, I place my main body, near the bottom, it hangs on two joints.

So when I drag this body down, the tongue should stretch.

How can I implement the body to my game, I know the images sizes, and the coordinates of the images, where I want to stick the bodies together…

I hope anyone can help me with my problems :slight_smile:

Regards, schere