Box2d Dynamic Lighting and Shadows Cocos2d-x

I am trying to find a high performance solution for dynamic lighting and shadows in Cocos2d-x.

I have had good success using Box2d in the past, and I believe that this project shows such an implementation is not too much work.

Does anyone want to help, or … does anyone know of an active port of Box2dLights?

I remember some one porting it… it was in a very old post… it had some issues… I got it to work after some modification… but my system has been formatted so many times… I dont remember where I put it…

But it was not optimized at all… on an iphone 5 there used to be chugging and it was for an older version of cocos2d-x…

let me dig around… maybe it will be of some help …

I’d love some help, I’m still stuck trying to figure out where to start.

anyone managed to make it work ???