Box2d Body and User Data and colllision

Hi friends
I am creating a simple horse jumping game using cocos2d-x 2.2. I am using physic Editor to create body shape. I uses different fixture to create horse body(Like in monkey jump tutorial) and set their user data such as “leg” , “head”.
The problem is that when I am checking collision b\w horse body parts and platform by getting user data which I set in the Physic Editor. But i am getting fatal signal error.
I am unable to check the collision.

void LayerHero::PostSolve(b2Contact* contact, const b2ContactImpulse* impulse)

CCString *ps = static_cast<CCString*>(contact->GetFixtureB()>GetUserData);
CCString *hs = static_cast<CCString*>
if && ps~~>isEqual))
touch = true;
if && ps~~>isEqual(leg)))
touch = true;

Try this: