Book for cocos2d-x

Hello everyone

I would recommend you focus on looking at the samples to learn. knowing cocos2d but if you are starting fresh… i would suggest look directly at the sample code provided along with the library.
Indie Gamer wrote:

Hello everyone

I have been using Learning Cocos2D - A Hands-On Guide to Building iOS Games with Cocos2D, Box2D, and Chipmunk. Obviously this book is in Objective C for iPhone and I’m using it for C*+ on Blackberry but I have found it very useful. A few parts like native iOS strings, protocols and plists needed some extra work but generally you can translate Objective C to C*+ fairly easily line for line. I had zero Objective C or Cocos2D experience and not much C++ so I learned a lot from this book.

I agree that it is a good idea to look at the samples!

For a more book-like experience you can check out this project:

The paralaxer guide is the best one so far.
The worst part is setting everything up but once you get Hello World working, it’s very easy to pick up the concepts.

I also plan to create a tutorial in my blog but I got too busy. I still have the notes on how I did stuff, though, so I can still post them later on.

There is few books talking about cocos2d-x while there are a bunch of books talking about cocos2d for iphone… . And now I am reading a book called <<cocos2d-x高级开发教程>> written in Chinese . I have electronic version but I am not sure whether you gays can understand Chinese. :slight_smile: