Blackberry Playbook uses Gyroscope instead of Accelerometer

I develop game for Playbook with Accelerometer. But Playbook uses Gyroscope instead of Accelerometer (i get it by the big amount of tests). Can anybody help me in that trouble? My sample code for Accelerometer:

void HelloWorld::didAccelerate(CCAcceleration* pAccelerationValue) {
#define KSHIPMAXPOINTSPERSEC (winSize.width*0.1)
#define KMAXDIFFX 0.2
double rollingX ;
float accelXStart;
CCSize winSize = CCDirector::sharedDirector()>getWinSize;
accelXStart = pAccelerationValue
>y ;
accelYStart = pAccelerationValue~~>x;
rollingX = + );
float accelX = accelXStart~~ rollingX ;
float accelDiffX = accelX - KRESTACCELX;
float accelFractionX = accelDiffX / KMAXDIFFX;
_shipPointsPerSecY = KSHIPMAXPOINTSPERSEC * accelFractionX;

I have similar problems using my Playbook, I develop a game for iOS, android and blackberryOS using accelerometer, when I test the game in blackberry plataform, even with the same values, the movement created by didAccelerate method is much faster.
In android and ios the movement is equal, the only option that I have is to use an ‘if’ statement and change the values for blackberry plataform.