Best way to integrate Box2D with CC?


As far as I can see on the road map physics are scheduled for 1.5 - but I’m about to start building a game that uses that now.

Would it be wise to use an early build of 1.5 or should I implement Box2D myself?


Hi @walzer, @phero_constructs

Yes, i think it would be wise to wait for the release of 1.5 which if not mistaken, could be before 5 / 2017?

God Bless…



As in May 2017? Because that’s in a couple of days.
Or did you mean during May?

Maybe download the 1.5 beta 2 (public linked on the Chinese forums, I’m not leaking anything) which has physics integrated plus 2d camera support. Then you can start developing now using the new system, and upgrade to the official 1.5 before releasing anything.

Link was found on the public forum here:

@luke2125, @VegaKH

Thanks a lot. I’m going to try this out asap!

I also tried building this but when it was done I didn’t see an app anywhere. Maybe I’m misunderstanding what that repo really is?

The engine (which is a slightly modified version of the JS variant of Cocos2d-X) is open source, but the development environment is closed source. If you build from source you only get the runtime engine, not Cocos Creator itself.


Ok, thanks for clarifying.