Batch labels and sprites current status

hi all,

i want auto-batch bm-fonts and sprite but i don’t really understand what happend since the problem was mentioned 2 months ago:

apperently the reason the BM Fonts are not batchable with sprites is because of the QuadCommand the labels use.
but i also found that recardo managed to merge these things in here into the v3 branch:

my tests have shown that the batching is still not working (v3). i see 3 draw calls when i do this:

SpriteFrameCache * cache=SpriteFrameCache::getInstance();
auto offset = SpriteFrameCache::getInstance()->getSpriteFrameByName(“fontFromSpriteSheet.png”)->getRectInPixels().origin;
addChild(Label::createWithBMFont(“res/main.fnt”, “Cocos rules”, TextHAlignment::LEFT, 0, offset));

so my question is what the current status is. is there a way to batch labels & sprites with v3.10? is something planned for v3.11 to fix this? the roadmap shows something related:
but does not mention the version or date for this issue.
