Backwards compatibility of SDK versions (v21+)

My question is a follow-up of this this topic: Cocos2d-x v3.13 and sdk/ndk versions .
It was discussed there that compiling against SDK version >=21 might break compatibility for devices running versions <21.
So if we wanted to aim version >=21, would the best way to publish be to upload 2 distinct APK’s? One for version >=21, using the latest SDK (23 or 24) and one for version <21 (using version 20)?

It might be also an option to ignore API versions above 20 altogether, but I’m not sure how Google Play Services and Game Tools would work at its full potential that way plus it’s advised to use the latest SDK anyways.

The android sdk level set in Gradle can be different from the android sdk level used for NDK build. You can use any Android SDK level in in Gradle, but recommended level for NDK build (as set in is 13.

I had tried to summarize the details here:

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