Auto Complete: NO Descriptions: Android Eclipse Windows

In the latest version of eclipse with the latest version of cocos2d-x (v 3.2) in windows, it shows the auto complete suggestions, but it doesnot show the description corresponding to them… Hope u know what is description!! (Like the description of the functions that we get in cocosIDE).
ALSO, THIS HAPPENS WITH ECLIPSE ONLY… I saw some video tutorials on cocos2d-x where the author was using XCODE with cocos2d-x v3.2. HE WAS GETTING THE DESCRIPTIONS in his Xcode …

Does it happens with anyone of U?
What should I do?


Try Xcode instead…
I rarely use Eclipse to code cocos2d-x program, Xcode is really good and useful.

LOL… I don’t have MAC :stuck_out_tongue:

i know Xcode is very very good… But as of now I can’t buy mac


then use VC++(with whole tomato visual assist plugin) for dev and cocos command for run in android…