arm-linux-androideabi-g++.exe can not find

win7 64, ndk r9.
i just run the create-android-project.bat and successfully create a hello project, but when i run in with cygwin, it just come with a problem “arm-linux-androideabi-g++.exe: error: CreateProcess: No such file or directory”,could anyone give me some advice? i am crying…

me too.Do anyone else has had a similar error ?

Do you set toolchain version in your .mk files or environment variables? (r9 does not include 4.7)

it’s absolutely correct.
Some times the error display like “make (e=87): 参数错误”.
And, this error is always occurred under windows because windows command buffer limit is 32K.
For instance, there are too much files in my file, I have to change the “Classes” to “s” and the “LOCAL_MODULE := g”.