Application crashes when exiting application from a pushed scene.

I use push scene to show my options menu like so:


Once my “options menu” scene is loaded, if I exit the win-32 application by clicking the X to close the window, I get an unhandled esception.

This only happens when I close the program while I am in a pushed scene.

The program crashes in the CCScheduler.cpp here

void CCScheduler::removeUpdateFromHash(struct _listEntry *entry)
    tHashUpdateEntry *element = NULL;

    HASH_FIND_INT(m_pHashForUpdates, &entry->target, element);
    if (element)
        // list entry
        DL_DELETE(*element->list, element->entry);

        // hash entry
        element->target->selectorProtocolRelease();  ////CRASHES ON THIS LINE/////
        HASH_DEL(m_pHashForUpdates, element);

this is the error in the output:

First-chance exception at 0x56b56ab4 (libcocos2d.dll) in SiftHeads.win32.exe: 0xC0000005: Access violation reading location 0xfeeeff0e.
Unhandled exception at 0x56b56ab4 (libcocos2d.dll) in SiftHeads.win32.exe: 0xC0000005: Access violation reading location 0xfeeeff0e.

If i pop back to the first scene before exiting. All is well.

Any ideas?


Is this normal behavior? Is this a bug?