Anyone has drop-in MIPS 3rd party static libraries for 2.1beta3 or know which versions were used?

Has anyone compiled the following as static libraries for MIPS so that they can be dropped into the cocos2d-x prebuilt tree? Or if I have to roll up my sleeves, tell me which version of each library was used for the other architectures? It is of course to allow APP_ABI := all for android building.


Can I at least get each file used to build the libraries from sources? Where can they be found? It is not on google code and what is in the current distribution is just the .mk to include the prebuilt libraries.

I do not want to reinvent the wheel, if possible.

I didn’t put these work into github.
I will add them in future.

I have some suggestions about building these libs

  1. libpng libjpeg libtiff
    These libs doesn’t depend on other libs, so you can build them with NDK tools. Just add a for it, and some other codes(may be one main.cpp) to use it.

It is not needed. I will remove it.

  1. libxml
    I build it from android source code. Because it depends some other libs, so i didn’t find a way to build it with NDK.

  2. libcurl
    I have a repo for it
    I use android source code to run configure command to generate corresponding header files.
    In the repo, there are two branches, one support ssl, the other doesn’t support ssl.
    I have added to generate libcurl.a in curl/jni.

Thank you, will check it out.

I’ve started with libcurl since you have already done a bunch of work on it, and it seems to build fine with APP_ABI=all on the ndk-build command line. I’m building it this way using NDK r8d:

cd libcurl-build/curl

Just to confirm, you use the libcurl.a under obj/local//, strip it, and then copy over to prebuilt? The size I am seeing after strip is about 4M, which is larger that in the cocos2d-x distribution. Is this because of openssl?

The prebuilt libraries at don’t appear to be actually built with SSL. Do I need to build openssl independently and include it? Any tips on how to do this?

Is it possible to get cocos2dx updated with curl 7.28.1+SSL support?

Joel Poloney wrote:

The prebuilt libraries at don’t appear to be actually built with SSL. Do I need to build openssl independently and include it? Any tips on how to do this?
Is it possible to get cocos2dx updated with curl 7.28.1+SSL support?

From what I can see, Minggo copies the .a files in the prebuild-with-ssl manually. Have you tried to build libcurl with the command in my previous post? If so, the resulting.a per architecture is in curl/obj/local.

I haven’t actually checked if the result supports ssl, and maybe you need the *.a in openssl-android/obj/local (libcrypto.a and libssl.a).

Minggo indicated that he will include MIPS in the next release for the prebuilt libraries (just a matter of compiling with APP_ABI=all)

Can anybody say me how to build the MIPS libraries?, Which commands do I have to type?, I’m using ArchLinux