Anyone else using Cocos2d-x for Windows?

Hi, I just wanted to make a quick shout-out to anyone else who’s using Cocos2d-x to make a Windows game? I don’t know if there’s many of us about, so if you are, please say a quick hello so that I feel less alone :smile: I’m also wondering why people chose this framework over others such as Unity? I did purely because I learned Cocos2d while working on iPhone.

I use all the 3 platforms (android iOS and windows) for cocos2dx but I only have 8 months experience

Ah cool, I’ve got to admit that the cross-platform capabilities are part of what attracted me. However, I’m finding the sound support a bit weak (CocosDenshion), and there’s some weird performance issues here and there. I’m gonna persevere anyway, hopefully I won’t be compelled to try Unity…

I have already created a post regarding sounds in wp8 in the morning

Yet whenever there is a cross platform functionality, It comes with lot of problems. I really don’t know whether unity top the charts or cocos2dx, but many people prefer unity. Yet cocos2dx is growing slowly. i am eagerly waiting for an cocosbuilder IDE for c++. It has come for LUA and JS, but still not available for cpp.

We are implementing new audio, and it will openal on windows too.
What performance issues you met?

In my case the issue is regarding the size. Suppose if there is a background music in the app of around 2 minutes or 3 minutes, it has a size of around 2 or 3 mb in mp3 normally, but if this is converted to wav the size increases to 5, 6 mb or even more.(just double of mp3). Secondly the windows phone having a ram of 512 MB sometimes crash the app, and if I don’t play the sound of heavy size then everything goes well ?

Thanks for the replies everyone!

@zhangxm see my post here regarding fonts from file:

Also, I’m using the in-built physics engine and am finding that when there are around 15-20 bodies all close together, the frame-rate drops periodically to about 15fps from a steady 60fps. Not sure exactly how to reproduce it for you without sending you the entire project?!

Thanks for your work on Cocos2d-x, I’m enjoying using it :smile:

@kingchimp @zhangxm
exactly the same problem I faced in which I was creating bodies of small 100 balls, frame rate dropped to 10 to 15 fps. The same thing worked great in Iphone and android. I think this issue came when cocos 2.x version arrived. I read it somewhere that In order to solve this just revert back to cocos2dx 1.x version, but this is not a proper solution.
Currently I am using a Arial.ttf font and I can show you the performance of how it looks. I added a CCLabelTTF font.

You can see how it looks