Any complete guide for cocos2d-x setup on Windows 8.1 + Visual Studio + Android?

I am very new to cocos2d-x.
First of all I have googled a lot and found nothing so posted here! So please don’t remove this thread.
I want to build games for Android and Windows and need help setting up with following environment.
OS: Windows 8.1
IDE: VS 2013
Dev For: Android LL and Windows

Any help would be greatly appreciated.

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Programmers Guide

Get VS2013 Community or VS2015 Preview if you are brave.
Build and run cpp-tests for win32.
Use the cmd line to build for Android.

I have Community 2015 edition. Any guide for setting up cocos-2dx?

We haven’t added VS2015 support in cocos2d-x yet. Microsoft OpenTech will probably do this in the next version. So my suggestion is to use VS2013 community edition today.

As @IslandPlaya said, you’re quire brave to use 2015 preview :smile:

I was trying VS 15 preview on virtual machine. My main development environment is 2013 community only. I was trying VS 15 for checking it’s android features.
But still no accurate guide for vs 13 setup.

Is it compatible in 3.7? if not, what version?