Any comercial Android/iOS game made with cocos2d-html5?


Is there any comercial Android/iOS game made with cocos2d-html5?

It is suitable/has good performance for comercial games?

Hi, Jose

As far as I know, there are many companies using cocos2d-html5 to develop their commercial games in China, but most of them publish it with JS Binding to native app stores. And for foreign counties, there is Rage of Bahamut which developed with javascript and also published as a native package.
The performance isn’t an issue as JSB bind javascript code to native cocos2d-x code which ensure the performance on mobile.
And also, I’m faithful that there will be more and more games which will be published directly on WEB with cocos2d-html5.


I use cocos2d-html5 without bindings (i.e. via a webview) in commercial games on mobile (I supply an SDK) but I wouldn’t use it directly to make a game. Performance just isn’t there. I have to get very creative on how I use it to maintain the performance needed (but the dynamic nature of using it this way is why we do it).

That’s interesting, Alan, can you tell us what’s your game’s type? and the essential difficult in improving the performance?


Hi I’m new in cocos2d-html5, I have no idea how to build it in android device. so can you help me to build it in android (.apk).

The commercial games you can see our product in are

Rail Rush (on Android and iOS)
Toy Truck Rally 2 (on Android and iOS)
Dirt Road Trucker (on Android and iOS)
Triple Town (iOS only at this time and only active when we are running tournaments twice a week).

There are a number of others as well.

We are the multiplayer or challenge friends button.

Performance wise, I moved away from sprites and started creating my own draw types for shapes. I’ve created rounded corner rectangles and menuitems which are built on top of those shapes to increase the total number of objects on screen before degradation. We’ve done a number of things to limit the total elements in TableViews and we only create the visible cells and reuse and repopulate.

We have hacked up a version of CCBReader to allow for our custom objects in a layout tool. I am very interested in moving to cocosStudio but really am hoping for a mac version :slight_smile:

hi, Alan

Thanks a lot for your reply, interesting to know your need in commercial games. There are things we are planning to simplify API of cocos2d-html5 for version 3.0. Hope things will get better and better. About cocoStudio, a mac version is on the road map, but I’m not in the team so I don’t know much details.
Keep us noted if you have suggestion about how our engine can improve. We really appreciate that.


Hey Allen, just so you know you are more than welcome to submit your games to It’ll show up in our collection of cocos games and more people will see them!
(To submit iOS version, you can fill in just the ID; as for android version, you’ll have to do manual:( )

Hey Allen, it is great to know that you had developed lots of games base on Cocos2d-html5.
Please help to active the “HTML5” tag in the submitting page of Thanks.

Can anybody provide links to Facebook cocos2d-js games? I checked html5 section on, but most links are broken. I just want to know, is cocos2d-js suitable for making Facebook games with huge game logic, for example Clash of clans / Clash Royale. Does cocos2d-html5 has enough performance.