Any class can implment gaussian blur in cocos2d-x?


I find that there is AWTextureFilter implemented for cocos2d to achieve gaussian blur, but I can not find any similar functions in cocos2d-1.0.1-x-0.12.0 release.

Anyone know how to achieve gaussian blur in cocos2d-x?

Does anyone have working AWTextureFilter from here
I tried to implement it in my iOS/Android cocos2d-x v2 game and had a fail.
I tried to google solution too. Nothing.
Please, help!

i believe it can be implemented thru shaders

@newstar55a in code we trust.
AWTextureFilter seems to be ok, but there are a lot of errors in texture extensions what AWTextureFilter uses… May be key is a newer version of CCTexture2DMutable and CCRenderTextureMutable? ( 2 years ago)