android playEffect issue

I can playEffect XXX.mp3 in ios
I convert file to XXX.ogg,then listen music by Player,it’s fine.
Use android cocos2dx to playEffect,
it only play about 5~10 seconds in the begining.
But this ogg file size is 1.7M,duration is 1:35,
I try TestCpp to playEffect(“background.ogg”),
it’ ok ,but this file size is only 89K,8 sec.
Is there a music file size or time limitation in playEffect function in android?
My cocos2dx version:cocos2d-2.1beta3-x-2.1.0

cocos2d-x uses SoundPool to play effect, and it has limitation of file size. The limitation is 1M. You can refer to this url for more information I can not find official document for it.