Android issue returning from system sleep

Have game almost finished and was testing on several Android hardware platforms (ranging from Droid X running 2.3.4 to Galaxy S5 running 4.4.2). On some devices after a long sleep (more than just turning off and back on a few seconds later) any sprite created through code (that is not loaded from a Spritesheet or file directly) “may” disappear.

I was using a texture created through code to create rectangular solid color sprites to create a checkerboard play field. The whole field would sometimes disappear. The game pieces would remain and game play would continue properly just a display issue. Sometimes the score display (uses a TTF to generate the label) would be missing or even stranger just missing some letters. If I exit game play back to the main screen on there menu items (again TTF generated) would be wither missing or have some letters missing.

I’ve searched the web and everything I find is from years ago and most indicate that this issue was fixed in Cocos2d-x versions earlier than what I’m using the 3.2 release.

if I then go to the settings screen (after the issue arises) even the newly created scene has issues with the TTF labels.

I was able to resolve the rectangle sprites issue by going back to use a 1x1 white PNG instead of creating the texture through code but haven’t been able to resolve the TTF issue.

Is this ringing a bell with anyone?

Anybody fixed this issue?

@rightpill check and more specifically the it fixed my issue of LabelTTF going all white or turning into blocks, essentially losing the font atlas.

wow, same issue of labelttf turning into blocks. I’m using 3.3, this fix is not there yet right? I’ll try and come back later. thanks.