Android. IAP issue

Hello there! I’m adding IAP to my android app. Now I have weird issue. My IAP works only on release build with

debugabble = true

any logcat message ?

E/SDKBOX_CORE: Checking plugin status for unknown plugin: iap
E/IAP: failed to get configuration

I’ve saw such error and the issue was in missed sdkbox_config.json. Also the same code works perfect on iOS

It’s great you make it works.

@yinjimmy Sorry, but it works with debuggable = true only :frowning:

Whats the logcat when release build ?

I’ve already shared it with you :slight_smile:

E/SDKBOX_CORE: Checking plugin status for unknown plugin: iap
E/IAP: failed to get configuration

It means you do not have “IAP” section with “Android”, for example:

whats the debuggable = true do?

I have “android section”

 "android": {
        "iap": {
            "key": "<key from play console>",
            "items": {
                "full": {
                    "type": "non_consumable", 
                    "id": "<product id from console>"

debuggable = true allows to debug builds via IDE (Android Studio)

Btw, I’ve fixed this issue, thanks for help. There were one missed library :slight_smile:

PluginIAP.jar ?

Nope, prebuild cocos2dx library