Android crash on create array of int (Solved)

I try to use AWTextureFilter (attached to topic) and got a crash with log:

D/cocos2d-x debug info( 1048): AWTextureFilter::blurInput - kernel size: 33
F/libc ( 1048): Fatal signal 11 (SIGSEGV) at 0xa9ea2fc8 (code=1), thread 1061 (Thread-75)
I/DEBUG ( 47): *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** ***
I/DEBUG ( 47): Build fingerprint: ‘generic/sdk/generic:4.4/KRT16L/892118:eng/test-keys’
I/DEBUG ( 47): Revision: ‘0’
I/DEBUG ( 47): pid: 1048, tid: 1061, name: Thread-75 >>> <<<
I/DEBUG ( 47): signal 11 (SIGSEGV), code 1 (SEGV_MAPERR), fault addr a9ea2fc8
I/DEBUG ( 47): r0 00000000 r1 00000001 r2 00000001 r3 a9ea2fc8
I/DEBUG ( 47): r4 00000000 r5 a9d41008 r6 00000000 r7 00000010
I/DEBUG ( 47): r8 ab4beac4 r9 ab988f00 sl b77b5418 fp ab4beadc
I/DEBUG ( 47): ip 43a00000 sp ab4be888 lr ab861a78 pc ab605e1a cpsr 00000030
I/DEBUG ( 47): d0 3e93f7b1c0000000 d1 3fdffffec084e400
I/DEBUG ( 47): d2 3fe0000000000000 d3 0000000000000000
I/DEBUG ( 47): d4 4024000000000000 d5 4074000000000000
I/DEBUG ( 47): d6 3fe000009fbd8e00 d7 3e5312d000000000
I/DEBUG ( 47): d8 0000000000000000 d9 0000000000000000
I/DEBUG ( 47): d10 0000000000000000 d11 0000000000000000
I/DEBUG ( 47): d12 0000000000000000 d13 0000000000000000
I/DEBUG ( 47): d14 0000000000000000 d15 0000000000000000
I/DEBUG ( 47): scr 20000010
I/DEBUG ( 47):
I/DEBUG ( 47): backtrace:

I/DEBUG ( 47): #00 pc 00146e1a /data/app-lib/ (AWTextureFilter::blurInput(void, void, cocos2d::CCTexture2DPixelFormat, int, int, cocos2d::CCSize, int, cocos2d::CCRect)+465)
I/DEBUG ( 47): #01 pc 00147203 /data/app-lib/ (AWTextureFilter::blur(cocos2d::CCTexture2DMutable*, int, cocos2d::CCRect)+110)
I/DEBUG ( 47): #02 pc 00145283 /data/app-lib/ (MainMenu::createBlurredScreenTexture()+378)**

I/DEBUG ( 47):
I/DEBUG ( 47): stack:
I/DEBUG ( 47): ab4be848 00000000
I/DEBUG ( 47): ab4be84c 00000000
I/DEBUG ( 47): ab4be850 00000010
I/DEBUG ( 47): ab4be854 ab4beac4 [stack:1061]
I/DEBUG ( 47): ab4be858 ab988f00
I/DEBUG ( 47): ab4be85c b77b5418 [heap]
I/DEBUG ( 47): ab4be860 ab4beadc [stack:1061]
I/DEBUG ( 47): ab4be864 b6e9dae9 /system/lib/ (malloc+12)
I/DEBUG ( 47): ab4be868 00000001
I/DEBUG ( 47): ab4be86c 00000000
I/DEBUG ( 47): ab4be870 43a00000
I/DEBUG ( 47): ab4be874 00000000
I/DEBUG ( 47): ab4be878 00000000

I/DEBUG ( 47): ab4be87c ab861aa0 /data/app-lib/ (__aeabi_fcmplt+8)
I/DEBUG ( 47): ab4be880 ab605df9 /data/app-lib/ (AWTextureFilter::blurInput(void
, void
, cocos2d::CCTexture2DPixelFormat, int, int, cocos2d::CCSize, int, cocos2d::CCRect)+432)
I/DEBUG ( 47): ab4be884 ab605db9 /data/app-lib/ (AWTextureFilter::blurInput(void*, void*, cocos2d::CCTexture2DPixelFormat, int, int, cocos2d::CCSize, int, cocos2d::CCRect)+368)**

I/DEBUG ( 47): #00 ab4be888 00000000
I/DEBUG ( 47): ab4be88c 00000000
I/DEBUG ( 47): ab4be890 43a00000
I/DEBUG ( 47): ab4be894 a9d41008
I/DEBUG ( 47): ab4be898 00000000
I/DEBUG ( 47): ab4be89c 00000000
I/DEBUG ( 47): ab4be8a0 000071a0
I/DEBUG ( 47): ab4be8a4 b77f1558 [heap]
I/DEBUG ( 47): ab4be8a8 a9ea3008
I/DEBUG ( 47): ab4be8ac fffffff0
I/DEBUG ( 47): ab4be8b0 00000021
I/DEBUG ( 47): ab4be8b4 b77c8750 [heap]
I/DEBUG ( 47): ab4be8b8 00000000
I/DEBUG ( 47): ab4be8bc a9ea3008
I/DEBUG ( 47): ab4be8c0 ab4beac4 [stack:1061]
I/DEBUG ( 47): ab4be8c4 b6ea111f /system/lib/ (dlfree+50)
I/DEBUG ( 47): … …
I/DEBUG ( 47): #01 ab4be908 00000140
I/DEBUG ( 47): ab4be90c 000000bc
I/DEBUG ( 47): ab4be910 ab4be940 [stack:1061]
I/DEBUG ( 47): ab4be914 00000010
I/DEBUG ( 47): ab4be918 ab4be948 [stack:1061]
I/DEBUG ( 47): ab4be91c 000014b0
I/DEBUG ( 47): ab4be920 b77f1e60 [heap]
I/DEBUG ( 47): ab4be924 a9ea3008
I/DEBUG ( 47): ab4be928 a9ea3008
I/DEBUG ( 47): ab4be92c 00000000
I/DEBUG ( 47): ab4be930 00000140
I/DEBUG ( 47): ab4be934 000000bc
I/DEBUG ( 47): ab4be938 00000010
I/DEBUG ( 47): ab4be93c ab4be9a8 [stack:1061]
I/DEBUG ( 47): ab4be940 43a00000
I/DEBUG ( 47): ab4be944 433c0000
I/DEBUG ( 47): … …
I/DEBUG ( 47): #02 ab4be970 433c0000
I/DEBUG ( 47): ab4be974 ab4be9a8 [stack:1061]
I/DEBUG ( 47): ab4be978 00000000
I/DEBUG ( 47): ab4be97c 40740000
I/DEBUG ( 47): ab4be980 ab4be9a8 [stack:1061]
I/DEBUG ( 47): ab4be984 b77f1a8c [heap]
I/DEBUG ( 47): ab4be988 b77f1a8c [heap]
I/DEBUG ( 47): ab4be98c b77f1e60 [heap]
I/DEBUG ( 47): ab4be990 00000010
I/DEBUG ( 47): ab4be994 43a00000
I/DEBUG ( 47): ab4be998 a9e2d008
I/DEBUG ( 47): ab4be99c 00000000
I/DEBUG ( 47): ab4be9a0 00000000

I/DEBUG ( 47): ab4be9a4 ab80fb10 /data/app-lib/ (operator new(unsigned int)+24)

I/DEBUG ( 47): ab4be9a8 00000000
I/DEBUG ( 47): ab4be9ac 00000000

I think what error is here, line 45 AWTextureFilter.cpp
//Generate Gaussian kernel
radius = MIN(MAX(1,radius), 248);
int kernelSize = 1+radius2;
CCLOG(“AWTextureFilter::blurInput - kernel size: %d”, kernelSize);
kernel = new int[kernelSize];

I searched this error in Google but there is nothing result.
On iOS it works fine. On Android emulator it crashes. (2.2 KB) (1.3 KB)

Can anybody help me? Do I need to link some libs?

Could you please provide the missing class (CCTexture2DMutable) so I can test. Did you tried on iOS?

I’m new in C++ and on Android, this Cpp classes aren’t mine.
I test app on Android Emulator (I didn’t have any device) v4.4 and build app with minSdkVersion=“8” and target-19…
I found, that error occurred lately create int array. I’m continuing find a bug.

Code of using AWTextureFilter

    // data is created from CCRenderTexture (with snapshot of base scene node, it's for screenshot) r->newCCImage->getData();
    CCTexture2DMutable* mTex = new CCTexture2DMutable();
    mTex->initWithData(data, tex->getPixelFormat(), width, height, CCSizeMake( width, height));    
    // create filter
    AWTextureFilter *textFilter = new AWTextureFilter();
    CCTexture2DMutable *blurTex = textFilter->blur(mTex, int(0.0125*visibleSize.width), CCRectMake(0, 0, width, height));
    // crash inside this call

I found location of issue. In AWTextureFilter.cpp line
cr+= pixel->r*kernel[i];
I don’t know why it causes crash.

Read operation from pixel crashes.

originalData is not empty, but pixel - does.
It seems like pixel = &originalData[read]; doesn’t work properly.

I found what index read is below zero on the start of calculations.

I’ve tested on iOS. It does not crash but the texture is black so I’m not sure the blur algorithm woks at all.

    CCImage *image = new CCImage();

    CCTexture2DMutable* mTex = new CCTexture2DMutable();

    AWTextureFilter *textFilter = new AWTextureFilter();
    CCTexture2DMutable *blurTex = textFilter->blur(mTex, 6);


Note that you have to edit CCTexture2D.h and set the initWithData to virtual

virtual bool initWithData(const void* data, CCTexture2DPixelFormat pixelFormat, unsigned int pixelsWide, unsigned int pixelsHigh, const CCSize& contentSize);

@laurentzubiaur it’s strange, i have it works on iOS fine. Without edit CCTexture2D.h :;qst
After addition some if-conditions into AWTextureFilter like
if(read >= 0) {...
if(yi+xl >= 0) {...
I have worked blur on Android.
Thanks for help!

You’re welcome!
PS: I meant you had to set CCTexture2D::initWithData virtual if you wanted to use initWithImage like I did in my code above.