[android]couldn't run the application which built from the example HelloCpp.Errors happened.

It’s my first time to deploy the application with the engine cocos2d-x in the emulator on android platform.Some errors happened ,they’re in the file I upload.

Is there someone know where the question is?

errorInfo.jpg (159.4 KB)

have u convert the code using cygwin? (for win)
or convert the code using terminal? (for mac os) check the tutorial http://cocos2d-x.org/projects/cocos2d-x/wiki/Android_Environment_Setup

ah sry i think i know what the problem… try to add the library from cocos2dx, its called libcocos2dx the location cocos2d-x/cocos2dx/platform/android/java

I followed a tutorial which didn’t use cygwin or minigw. I have import the project from cocos2dx called libcocos2dx the location cocos2d-x/cocos2dx/platform/android/java. Is it nesessary to convert the code using cygwin? The HelloCpp.apk can deploy onto the emulator and upload the Hello.apk onto my android device.
But when I click the application icon,the emulator will pop up some messages which say “Unfortunately,HelloCpp has stopped”.It’s same on my android device. And the LogCat window display some errores’ information like the file I upload.

most of the tutorial use mac os.
u need to find tutorial use windows or linux… the setup is different from mac, linux and windows.
this one of them http://www.multigesture.net/articles/
if u using windows u really needed Cygwin (most important).
Cygwin it for compile the c*+ for android or java can read it.
if u use the newest android ndk u need compile it 1st because it some of the samples is using crystal android ndk r7 or lower.
and dont forget setup ur android ndk on eclipse.
its better using the device than use the emulator.
and dont forget after u compile the c*+, u will need clean the project 1st (project > clean> [project name])

i hope this will help u for making a great game :slight_smile: