an-input-framework-sneakinput-for-cocos2d-x support cocos2d-x v2.1.x

1.reaplce ccTime to CCTime in the all file.
2.replace LAYER_NODE_FUNC to CREATE_FUNC in the SneakyJoystickSkinnedBase.h and SneakyButtonSkinnedBase.h file.

3.Replace ccTouchBegan(), ccTouchMoved() method method code,in the SneakyButton.cpp and SneakyJoystick.cpp

old code:

CCPoint location = CCDirector::sharedDirector()->convertToGL(touch->locationInView(touch->view()));

replace new code:

CCPoint location = CCDirector::sharedDirector()->convertToGL(touch->getLocationInView());

4.Replace onEnterTransitionDidFinish() and onExit() method code,in the SneakyButton.cpp and SneakyJoystick.cpp

old code:


replace new code:


5.update setIsVisible to setVisible in the all method