addTargetedDelegate fails with weird generic error in CCObject


kicks for the newbie only accepted with hints to my problem ^^

I have a CCNode subclass that perfectly works in a new cocos2dx environment. However, I want to detect touches and handle them in that class. Hence, I inherited the class in addition from CCTargetedTouchDelegate and added and implemented

virtual bool ccTouchBegan(cocos2d::CCTouch* touch, cocos2d::CCEvent* event);

and also tried to register itself as a delegate in

void MyNode::onEnter()
    CCDirector::sharedDirector()->getTouchDispatcher()->addTargetedDelegate(this, 0, true);

Starting from that moment, application starts fail.
I’m using the current cocos2dx version, the starting fails on line 92 of CCObject:

void CCObject::retain(void)
    CCAssert(m_uReference > 0, "reference count should greater than 0"); //HERE


I cannot get a hint why it fails then, it looks like it fails as soon as I add the register addTouchDelegate.

Any hint is highly appreciated.

Thx in advance

Reply to myself:

Looks like I missed to inherit the CCTargetedTouchDelegate public. Weird error message though.

Thorsten Viel wrote:

Reply to myself:
Looks like I missed to inherit the CCTargetedTouchDelegate public. Weird error message though.

hi,did you solve the problem, i ’m it too.

linhe lin wrote:

Thorsten Viel wrote:
> Reply to myself:
> Looks like I missed to inherit the CCTargetedTouchDelegate public. Weird error message though.
hi,did you solve the problem, i ’m it too.

Just Public inherit CCTargetedTouchDelegate,I try it just now,and it works…