addChild() crashes in CCSprite based class

I have a CCNode based class. If I do the following it works, but if I do the second approach where it is a CCSprite based class it crashes in addChild().

// Note: I have stripped out everything except the parts pertaining to the issue
// Approach 1 - This works
class CMyClass : public CCNode
    CCRenderTexture m_texture;

    bool initWithWidthAndHeight( int nWidth, int nHeight )
        addChild( &m_texture);

        m_texture.initWithWidthAndHeight( m_nWidth, m_nHeight );

        return true;

    static CMyClass *createWithWidthAndHeight( int nWidth, int nHeight );

// Approach 2 - This crashes in addChild()
class CMyClass : public CCSprite
    CCRenderTexture *m_pTexture;

        m_pTexture = NULL;

    bool initWithWidthAndHeight( int nWidth, int nHeight )
        m_pTexture = CCRenderTexture::renderTextureWithWidthAndHeight( nWidth, nHeight );

        addChild( m_pTexture );   // CRASH!

    static CMyClass *createWithWidthAndHeight( int nWidth, int nHeight );

// Common to both versions
CMyClass *CMyClass::createWithWidthAndHeight( int nWidth, int nHeight )
    CMyClass *pobSprite = new CMyClass();

    if ( pobSprite && pobSprite->initWithWidthAndHeight( nWidth, nHeight ) )
        return pobSprite;

    CC_SAFE_DELETE( pobSprite );

    return NULL;

I have verified that m_pTexture is a valid object.

Any ideas?