Add CCPoint to array?

Hi I want to save CCPoint to my array? Any simple solution guys? Thanks in advance… :slight_smile:

Hi, CCArray only supports CCObject or its subclass. If you really want to achieve that, you should modify CCPoint’s implementation. Make it inherit CCObject.

i use ccpointarray to store the ccpoint, but i can’t remove the ccpoint in the ccpointarray. i want to implements a function like removeallobjects in carray, so i use a for loop, and in the loop i use remove control points, but it doesn’t work?

Wouldn’t an std::vector or an std::list suffice?

I personally use CCArray for CCObject subclasses and std::vector for non-cocos2d-x objects.

thanks,in fact this is also my solution for this problem now, i think the CCPointArray is so useless, may be it will be improved sometime.

how do you use ccpoint with std ::vector ? i think std::vector use only pointer example :

std::vector<CCpoint*> nodes;

Does anyone know a way to permutate a CCPointArray ?
I tried CCARRAY_FOREACH(…) { …. }
but doesn’t work with CCPointArray

Orlando Soto wrote:

Does anyone know a way to permutate a CCPointArray ?
I tried CCARRAY_FOREACH(…) { …. }
but doesn’t work with CCPointArray

I would just iterate using a normal ‘for’ loop

CCPointArray *pointArray = CCPointArray::create(255);
for(int i = 0; i < 10; i++){
for(int i = 0; i < pointArray->count(); i++){
    CCPoint point = pointArray->getControlPointAtIndex(i);
    CCLog("(%f,%f)", point.x, point.y);

If you want something like CCARRAY_FOREACH
you can add this (based on CCARRAY_FOREACH from CCArray.h)

#define CCPOINTARRAY_FOREACH(__array__, __object__)                                 \
    if ((__array__) && (__array__)->count() > 0)                                    \
    for(int __arr__ = 0;                                                            \
    (__arr__ <= __array__->count()) &&                                              \
    ((__object__ = __array__->getControlPointAtIndex(__arr__)).equals(__object__)); \

If you want to change the name to something like CCPARRAY_FOREACH, go ahead.
I would keep it uppercase though because it denotes macros.

You can use it in the same fashion

CCPointArray *pointArray = CCPointArray::create(255);
for(int i = 0; i < 10; i++){
CCPoint point;
CCPOINTARRAY_FOREACH(pointArray, point){
    CCLog("(%f,%f)", point.x, point.y);