AdColony Doesn't preload ads

After updating SDKBox and AdColony Ads don’t pre-load. I never receive an onAdColonyChange event (was working fine before update). If i try to play a video, then it says non available and downloads and queues up the ad. After that it will play the video.

Hello @dalek1

Does this happen in Android only or in iOS also… !!


Looks like Android only. My iOS build is working as normal with the new version.

But, I wasn’t able to upgrade that one I had to create a new Cocos Project then import AdColony then I added all of my code back in (classes and resources).

The Android copy I was able to upgrade. So that may be the difference.

Just wanted to make sure whether it’s Android only or not.
Yes, we are aware of it.

AdColony doesn’t cache automatically in Android.
We are on it, will update you if we release any new API to explicitly invoke precache or something.


Do you have an ETA on the update/fix? Or a good workaround?

The SDK behaves likewise, so atm we don’t have any workaround.
We will try to fix it within the next 2 weeks.

We’ll fix this ASAP and send you a test build.

We just released a hotfix to adcolony, now the ad preloading should be fixed.

I’ll check it out in the morning (10pm here) thanks for the quick update.

Updated and it’s working as expected. Thanks.

On a side note if you use the --nopatching option in when you update it still tries to update the JSON file. I had to remove the line

sdkbox.config_merge(PLUGIN_PATH + ‘sdkbox_config.json.sample’, COCOS_RESOURCES_DIR + ‘sdkbox_config.json’)

from the sdkbox.package in the plugin to stop getting an error about expecting a comma.

Hi @dalek1

Yes, overwriting the json configs on update is a known issue to us.
We are fixing it in upcoming releases.
