about EditBox

        var img1     =cc.Scale9Sprite.createWithSpriteFrameName("white_box.png");
        this.box1    =cc.EditBox.create(cc.size(378,76),img1);
        this.box1.setPosition(cc.p(131, 459));

i run the code in my iPhone,
and i found tow problem:
1,when the editbox loss fouce ,the emoji change…
2,selection toolbar is English ,but my iPhone is set to Chinese.

For details please see the attachment images

未标题-1.png (140.9 KB)

1,when the editbox loss fouce ,the emoji change…

When it lost focus, the system control (UITextField) was hidden while LabelTTF was shown. LabelTTF couldn’t show expression.

2,selection toolbar is English ,but my iPhone is set to Chinese.

It depends on iOS system, since editbox just adds a system control on it.

Thank you,i change info.plist Localization native development region to China
and solve the second problems

James Chen wrote:

> 1,when the editbox loss fouce ,the emoji change…
When it lost focus, the system control (UITextField) was hidden while LabelTTF was shown. LabelTTF couldn’t show expression.
> 2,selection toolbar is English ,but my iPhone is set to Chinese.
It depends on iOS system, since editbox just adds a system control on it.

Thank you,i change info.plist Localization native development region to China
and solve the second problems

Good to know that.