99th my first cocos2d-html5 game [source code included]

Here it is http://bonuslevel.org/99th/

It’s not a big deal but I might release the source code if it can be of any interest.

Any idea why there are artefacts at the top and the right side of the game when the game is embedded in an iFrame? http://www.kongregate.com/games/Pepere/99th

My scroe is 01:59:443.
Wait, let me play once more.

Oh yeah, I’m on the 14th.

He he no so bad :smiley:

Here is the source code : http://dl.dropbox.com/u/12856650/99th.zip

To launch it, decompress the package in the cocos2d-html5/samples/games and launch something similar on your navigator+local server :http://localhost:8080/cocos2d-html5/samples/games/99th/99th.html

@JP Sarda

Great game!

I see one strange thing. The text “97” on car 97 vibrates moves up and down a bit, but text on other cars does not move (with respect to the body of the car)

You could create a free GitHub account to store and distribute the source code.

I was a bit lazy, here there are on github : https://github.com/jpsarda/99th


What i enjoyed
The simple mechanic
The the green graphic
The sound

great, Great, GREAT

Going to play it again
Looking forward to looking at your code
Xie Xie for sharing