3.0rc1: cannot open include file 'afxres.h' in VS2013 Express

This problem is very simple.
“afxres.h” is a file from MFC, and all Express editions of VS do not include MFC.
The error happens in .rc file.
I don’t know how many MFC features have 3.0rc1 used. (I’m afraid it’s just a file generated automatically by PRO or higher editions)
That’s all. I hope to develop in Express edition.

I had the same problem, try replace

#include "afxres.h"


//#include "afxres.h"
#include "WinResrc.h"
#define IDC_STATIC  -1

@matesnake wrote:

I had the same problem, try replace […]

Your fix worked perfectly. To get a cocs2d-js-v3.0-alpha project running on Windows, I created a new project, opened Project\frameworks\runtime-src\proj.win32\Project.sln in “Visual Studio Express 2013 for Windows Desktop”, then changed frameworks\runtime-src\proj.win32\game.rc as you suggested and that was the only fix needed to get it compiling. Thank you.

Thanks, I had the same problem while trying out the new launcher from cocos.com
I created a lua project and tried to build win32 via cocos code ide.
I needed to change the file inside frameworks\runtime-src\proj.win32

Pls fix!