YUYE'Tutorials(What kind of the tutorial do you want to learn and we'll make it for you)

请问cocos2d-x for android如何清理纹理内存?

hi teacher,
pls help me soon, our programmer is doing a game for android with cocos2d-x, but always exit suddently. it is not matter with ios. So i wanna get ur help about how to Clean up the texture memory? thanks a lot.

@hoohoo Thank you for you trust me . you can try this method to cleanup texture memory


and I hope you can use english in here. Not Enforcement! but it is good for another people to help you soon.

thank you again.

@yuye thnx for that.
I remember u are writing Facebook share SDK for android with cocos2d-x. I am wondering when it’s ok and could be using?
Waiting for it. :slight_smile:

@hoohoo I finished part1

@yuye ok. thanks! And when do you plan to finish the work? Now we will using it today or tomorrow. Thanks a lot!

I’ll finished this work. because I have others work to do . this is part time work for tutorials
hoohoo wrote:

@yuye ok. thanks! And when do you plan to finish the work? Now we will using it today or tomorrow. Thanks a lot!

Hello yuye,

a tutorial on CCParallaxNode with Cocos2d-x-2.2.2 would be great.
More precise on infinite scrolling.
Just the scrolling itself, doesn’t have to be a complete game.

I’ve made a gist to give you an idea, where this could go:

This one seems great also, but i can’t read japanese:

These tutorials from Ray Wenderlich are a bit outdated:

This is Objective-C version (also outdated):

Would be nice to have a simple, clear tutorial on infinite scrolling in any direction.

This is a great initiative, thank you in advance!


こんにちは、日本語も話せるんですか!^^。Thank you very much for give me idear. In fact we had some this kind of tutorials. I’ll try to post it after I finished facebook tutorials.

Eschmelax wrote:

Hello yuye,

a tutorial on CCParallaxNode with Cocos2d-x-2.2.2 would be great.
More precise on infinite scrolling.
Just the scrolling itself, doesn’t have to be a complete game.

I’ve made a gist to give you an idea, where this could go:

This one seems great also, but i can’t read japanese:

These tutorials from Ray Wenderlich are a bit outdated:

This is Objective-C version (also outdated):

Would be nice to have a simple, clear tutorial on infinite scrolling in any direction.

This is a great initiative, thank you in advance!


yuye wrote:

こんにちは!Thank you very much for give me idear. In fact we had some this kind of tutorials. I’ll try to post it after I finished Facebook tutorials. At Last, I’m good at Japanese. If you find some good tutorials in Japanese. Just give me the link I can read for reference.

Eschmelax wrote:

Hello yuye,

a tutorial on CCParallaxNode with Cocos2d-x-2.2.2 would be great.
More precise on infinite scrolling.
Just the scrolling itself, doesn’t have to be a complete game.

I’ve made a gist to give you an idea, where this could go:

This one seems great also, but i can’t read japanese:

These tutorials from Ray Wenderlich are a bit outdated:

This is Objective-C version (also outdated):

Would be nice to have a simple, clear tutorial on infinite scrolling in any direction.

This is a great initiative, thank you in advance!


yuye wrote:

こんにちは!Thank you very much for give me idear. In fact we had some this kind of tutorials. I’ll try to post it after I finished Facebook tutorials. At Last, I’m good at Japanese. If you find some good tutorials in Japanese. Just give me the link I can read for reference.

Eschmelax wrote:

Hello yuye,

a tutorial on CCParallaxNode with Cocos2d-x-2.2.2 would be great.
More precise on infinite scrolling.
Just the scrolling itself, doesn’t have to be a complete game.

I’ve made a gist to give you an idea, where this could go:

This one seems great also, but i can’t read japanese:

These tutorials from Ray Wenderlich are a bit outdated:

This is Objective-C version (also outdated):

Would be nice to have a simple, clear tutorial on infinite scrolling in any direction.

This is a great initiative, thank you in advance!


Thank you, yuye!
Looking forward to it!


What about tile map with physics and collision ?

I can memory your question.
now we use tilemap and chipmunk. box2d have been removed from engine. so I just try to introduce twice in the future.
marecki102 wrote:


What about tile map with physics and collision ?

hi yuye,
you have finished the fb sdk for cocos2d-x tutorial?


Hi yuye,

my programmer meet a problem,he don’t know JAVA, so for android game, he don’t know how to take a photo and save the photo. Do you have any related tutarial or artical to help us? Thanks a lot!

@hoohoo We finished the tutorials for facebook android 2.2.2. we are making tutorials for 3.x. you can see the first page of thistopic

may be you can reference
and JNI tutorial

@Eschmelax hi ,here is a game tutorial write by my friend

Hi, but that’s not what i requested before. :frowning:
I was talking about CCParallaxNode with Cocos2d-x-2.2.2.
For example infinite scrolling background.

This here, is just a setup for HTML5 project:

Thank you, lol.
But i am far beyond that point.
Besides i am coding in C++.

Something like:

        CCSprite* bg1 = CCSprite::create("bg/bg1.png");
	CCSprite* bg2 = CCSprite::create("bg/bg2.png");
	CCSprite* bg3 = CCSprite::create("bg/bg3.png");

        CCParallaxNode* paraNode = CCParallaxNode::create();
	paraNode->addChild(bg1, 1, ccp(0.5f, 0), ccp(0, winSize.height / 2));
	paraNode->addChild(bg2, 2, ccp(1.5f, 0), ccp(0, winSize.height / 10));
	paraNode->addChild(bg3, 3, ccp(2.0f, 0), ccp(0, winSize.height / 3));
	paraNode->setPosition(ccp(winSize.width, winSize.height / 5));
	this->addChild(paraNode, 0);

	CCMoveBy* move1 = CCMoveBy::create(10.0f, ccp(-winSize.width, 0));
	CCMoveBy* move2 = CCMoveBy::create(0.0f, ccp(winSize.width, 0));
	CCSequence* seq = (CCSequence*)CCSequence::create(move1, move2, NULL);
	CCRepeatForever* repeat = CCRepeatForever::create(seq);


But this creates a gap in the animation, how can this be fixed?
I can write a tutorial about CCParallaxNode and infinite scrolling in 2.2.2 (C++) once this is fixed.
Hope you can help.
