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36 is still far far away from your 1000 responses.
Do we have so many active user who will read this post?

May be need to think other way to notice user about the survey for better response.

The survey might lack some options.

Regarding CS:

I want to use it, but it is to complicated

I think the following option should be added as well:

I want to use it, but it’s lacking features.

It’s what I would need to tick.

I can add it.

Done. My request in game engine is physics support in cocostudio like unity/spritebuilder

not a bad request :slight_smile:

Great, thank you! Survey completed :smiley:

I moved 30 posts to a new topic: Documentation discussion

Done! I think that the feature I asked for won’t ever happen (compatibility with game consoles, especially Nintendo 3DS; and live code editing, but that is another tough request), but hey, I don’t loose anything for trying :wink:

never say never, but Nintendo doesn’t eve use OpenGL, so this might be an undertaking…There were a few OpenGL 1.x -> CafeSDK projects out there, but this was years ago, I think.

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The future is even better, as Nintendo joined Khronos for open source Vulkan recently.

Vulkan will be the only meaningful cross-platform target in the future. Every major company is on board.
Even Microsoft is a contributor:


Yes,it does look promising…The future could be long through. One thing I think about is that given there are so many companies on board would this take longer to agree on items, api, etc, etc. Where is if this was more a grass roots project, I bet we would see results quicker. Just my assumption.

Well, it depends if you call 3 months a long future.

Sure, but you have to keep in mind, that this was not developed from scratch. It’s basically the best from Mantle and evolved into Vulkan.

The grass roots project was Mantle. AMD was giving it away for free to evolve into Vulkan.
So just compared the results over time from Mantle and Vulkan.

Thanks for clarifying that!

I thought Nintendo was using Open GL since the Gamecube (with an ATI GPU). Anyway, if Cocos2d-x would turn compatible with game consoles it would be great for developers who want to jump from mobile to consoles. I really am tired of the smartphones and tablets ecosystem, where one must constantly deal with several OS’s, updates, hundreds of compatible devices… And without any guarantee of making enough money because everyone wants everything for free. Besides, I love making videogames, not complex monetisation strategies. The game consoles ecosystem is IMHO much more healthy and users don’t mind to pay for a game if the game deserves it. Not to talk about visibility…

Well, sorry for that rant. We are planning to jump to consoles when we are prepared, but I don’t like the most popular engines for targeting consoles. Having Cocos2d-x as another option in the future would be really great and I hope someday it will.

It’s something similar to OpenGL, but a proprietary solution like Sony’s GCM and PGSL or 3dfx’s Glide.

With consoles you have to deal with the extreme tight rules of the platform holder, which is even more pain. Remember that Microsoft charged thousands of dollar for rolling out a game patch? Not to mention the complicated and time-consuming QA.

There isn’t any guarantee with console games either.

You will just change those strategies for complex platform holder strategies.

The game console ecosystem comes with a cost. It’s way more expensive and all but entry-friendly. They will even charge you for online-play, renting development hardware and all the NDA hell :smile:

I’m totally agreeing with that, but providing middle-ware for consoles needs certification and licensing.
The engine team would first need to get through that stuff and it will cost a lot of money.

Similar, but very different (at least to me). I was playing around putting 1,000 sprites on the screen and moving them all around using the GamePad. I looked at that code and it is very different than the way I would implement it in Cocos2d-x.

That’s because the console SDKs and APIs are all close-to-metal and mostly pure C APIs.

You should try out the Vulkan API to experience difference :wink:
Pages and pages of initialization and setting up the pipeline before even getting to the fun part.

The “Hello, World!” example for OpenGL(rendering a triangle), takes a few lines of code.
The Vulkan “Hello, World!” example takes pages of code(90% is initialization stuff) to render the same triangle.

Welcome to close-to-metal programming :smile:

My request for the engine is Lighting for 2D. I know there are some implementations of other people, like using fragment shaders, but it’s kinda complicated for us to do :frowning: Also my other request is changing hue/saturation in game like this https://github.com/alex314/CCSpriteWithHue

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My one request: porting to Playstation 4 !!