NEW USERS READ THIS! New User Guidance

Hi I want to create new topic

Welcome @breakout.

This topic has been updated with the requirements to post new topics. Please make sure to read if you are a new member of our community.


wanted to start a new post, but I realise i can’t… have to go through level 1 before I can graduate as a trainee >_>

Didn’t know that posting a cocos related question in cocos2d-x forum is not so direct like asking in stackoverflow. No wonder people are asking questions there instead.

We have a process to help combat spam

If you are not ok with it Stack Overflow could be a better choice. They have a community that polices you just don’t see it up front.

The process is outlined in the very first post in this topic.

Please enjoy your day.

Thanks for the welcome =)

I hope you enjoy being a member of this community. It is actually pretty great.

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Hello! :smile:

Hi everyone!

Hi! Need some guidance!

Howdy new developers!! Welcome.

Hello!) It’s me :smiley: )))

Hi all, super glad to find this community. I am having so many questions:smile:

Welcome to our new developers!

Hi, have been a long time lurker on these forums, and have always found helpful information in my browsing. Looking forward to becoming a more active member of the community

See you all on the forums!

Welcome @Jack_Wiebe

Thank you @slackmoehrle !

Hi, I’m new to Cocos Creator, Cocos2dx, programming and game development :slight_smile:

Howdy @Zanckst

Hi There @slackmoehrle!